Next JIC Open Forum on 30 November 2022

4 November 2022

Quality Labelling of Digital Tools

Transcending national boundaries and organisations, the Joint Initiative Council’s standards development organisations work collaboratively to provide global, coordinated—not competitive—standards that address real-world healthcare issues. In its recently released white paper, the JIC explores the desired future of a digital health ecosystem where high-quality data is available to the right people, at the right place and at the right time for high-quality decisions and care.

Other articles

Participate in the xShare Public and Population Health Datasets Survey!

12 August 2024

The objective of the survey is to obtain a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of public and population health datasets collected across European member states. Additionally, the aim is to assess their potential connection with the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) referred to in the EHDS regulation. The survey will be open for contributions … Continued

xShare Yellow Button makes EHDS a reality

2 July 2024

The xShare Yellow Button facilitates streamlined data sharing and collaboration across EHDS, fostering efficiency and innovation within the healthcare industry. CEN/TC 251 supports the enhanced collaboration and innovation in healthcare with interoperable data! Learn more about the xShare project here: Home – xshare (

Are you ready for the button?

21 May 2024

    xShare is a three-year Horizon Europe project envisioning everyone sharing their health data in European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF), with a click-of-a-button – the xShare Yellow Button! CEN/TC 251 is supporting Xshare in working towards harmonized data elements across health care, public/population health, and clinical research. Home – xshare (