WG 1

CEN/TC 251 Working Group 1

Enterprise and information


WG 1 is concerned with standards and specifications for the safe and secure use of information within the eHealth domain, as well as its governance and management.

The scope includes, but is not limited to, standardization of:

Relationship with WG 2

WG I will actively work with others to facilitate its work programme, whenever possible.  CEN/TC 251/WG 2 complements WG 1 and has a number of common concerns, as well as a set of defined interfaces designed to enable the two groups to work together on given tasks.  For some items, expertise from both groups will be required and used as necessary.

The work of others will be appraised and adapted, as necessary, to provide Europe and its member states with the most suitable, interoperability specifications.  To facilitate sharing, liaisons and reciprocal exchange of both information and expertise for particular work items will be encouraged.

Contact Points and Liaisons:

The following existing groups are expected to be relevant to the CEN/TC 251/WG 1 work and vice versa:

Relevance to European needs and initiatives

The EU and CEN members have priorities in active and healthy aging, rare diseases, cross-border healthcare, national best practices, identification, and mHealth. The eHealth Network priorities (Patient Summaries, ePrescriptions and Registries) are all relevant to WG I, as are the four Coordination and Support Actions within the Horizon 2020 Personalizing Health and Care program (PHC34) that started in 2015 and in which CEN/TC 251 and its members have an active role. For example, the EU OpenMedicine project addresses standards coordination (ISO, HL7, GS1, etc.), standards production (input for the development of ISO/DTS 19293 Requirements for the record of Dispensed Medicinal Products) and standards delivery (promote IDMP).