JIC Open Forum – 9 June 2021

19 May 2021

Transcending national boundaries and organizations, the Joint Initiative Council’s standards development organizations work collaboratively to provide global, coordinated—not competitive—standards that address real-world healthcare issues. The toolbox for the infrastructure of immunization is available and has been continuously updated to meet the latest requirements. This openForum is providing an insight on the power of standards as providing interoperability and efficiency, even when national or regional implementations seem to be different. Are they really different?

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Morning Session – Infrastructure to reliably capture and share immunity data / time is now 

(AEDT 5pm-6:30pm |PST 10pm-11:30pm | EST 1am-2:30am | CET 7am-8:30am)

  • Introduction – Ulrike Kreysa, Chair JIC, GS1 Global Office, Belgium. High level – present the use case
  • Implementation: the EU perspective (Konstantin Hyppönen). One size does not fit all
  • Capture data: LOINC, SNOMED, GS1 (lead speaker: Jane Miller, SNOMED Int).
  • Manage data: HL7, ISO, CEN, IHE (lead speaker: Giorgio Cangioli, HL7).
  • Share: CDISC, IHE, HL7 (IPS) (lead speaker: José Teixeira, IHE).
  • Trust: ISO, CEN, HL7 (authentication, validity, provenance, etc.) (lead speaker: Matthias Pocs, CEN).


Afternoon Session – Infrastructure to reliably capture and share immunity data / time is now 

(AEDT 3am-4:30am | PST 8am-09:30am | EST 11am-12:30pm | CET 5pm-6:30pm)

  • Introduction – Mike Glickman, Chair ISO TC 215. High level – present the use case
  • Capture data: LOINC, SNOMED, GS1 (lead speaker: Marjorie Rallins, LOINC).
  • Manage data: HL7, ISO, CEN, IHE (lead speaker: Rob Hausam, HL7).
  • Share: CDISC, IHE, HL7 (IPS) (lead speaker: Derek Ritz, IHE).
  • Trust: ISO, CEN, HL7 (authentication, validity, provenance, etc.) (lead speaker: TBD).
  • Implementation: the US perspective (Speaker to be confirmed). One size does not fit all


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