Results of the International Patient Summary project

17 June 2019

On behalf of the CEN/IPS project team, the results of the International Patient Summary project were presented at the 15th eHealth Network meeting in Bucharest on 11 June 2019. Robert Stegwee, chair of CEN/TC 251 Health Informatics, informed the representatives of the Member States and the European Commission of the opportunities the set of five new and closely related standards offer. Due to the close collaboration between CEN/TC 251, HL7 International and SNOMED International, the ambitions of the European eHealth Network in the digital transformation of health and care are being enabled by a set of consistent and practical standards that have already been tested in a number of occasions through the Trillium II project. The publication of the standards later this year is by no means the end of the journey, but marks the beginning of intensified collaboration between Standards Developing Organisations, the European eHealth Digital Services Infrastructure and the many organizations that wish to provide digital health innovation through their products, enabled by the International Patient Summary.

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